"An audience" by Lieutenant T'Kang Chief Tactical Officer - USS Tempest http://come.to/tkang The turbolift ride to the bridge of the Tempest was a short one. The proud Klingon warrior stood in contemplative silence and listened to the hum of the floors as the lift sped upwards to deck 1. When he arrived, the lift stopped and the doors opened with a swish. T'Kang put his tree stumps he had for legs into motion, immediately marching down to the command well towards Lieutenant Cowan who swiveled in the Captain's chair to face the relieved Chief Tactical Officer. "Mister T'Kang, you were confined to your quarters." Cowan restated his earlier orders. "Yes. I was." T'Kang said in his deep Klingon voice. He continued to walk until he was standing before Lieutenant Cowan, beckoning him to stand up as well in Klingon fashion. The culture must have been lost on the Lieutenant who chose to remain seated. T'Kang's expression was sour as typical of the grumpy officer. Upon seeing Cowan would not stand to face him directly, which was granted a Klingon custom and not a Terran one, he decided to make his request. "It is my understanding that Lieutenant Commander Lee is on board Starbase 202 *sir*." the Klingon stated both sharply and boisterously in Klingon fashion. "That is correct Lieutenant." Cowan nodded in calm, sage like fashion. "Request permission to board the Starbase with the intent of speaking to Lieutenant Commander Lee *sir*." the Klingon stated, again with a stabbing bite to the way the address of "sir" was pronounced and held. T'Kang stood boldly. His bear-like frame waiting the acting Executive Officer's response.